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University of Bristol

The University of Bristol’s roots date back to 1876. Since its formation it has become one of the leading institutions among the UK’s Russell Group of universities and operates globally, where it is recognised for its research and academic excellence.

The University has a strong interdisciplinary approach and regularly features among the top ranking institutions in global league tables.

The University of Bristol’s mission is ‘to pursue and share knowledge and understanding, both for their own sake and to help individuals and society fulfil their potential’. This is underpinned by a vision where the University of Bristol is an international powerhouse of learning, discovery and enterprise, whose excellence is acknowledged locally, nationally and globally, and that is:

Dedicated to academic achievement across a broad range of disciplines, and to continuous innovation and improvement Research-intensive, supporting both individual scholarship and interdisciplinary or thematic research of the highest quality A centre for intellectually demanding, research-informed education that nurtures independence of mind and helps students achieve their personal goals and serve society’s needs, both during and after their time here An inclusive and collaborative community of scholarship that attracts and retains people with outstanding talent and potential from all walks of life and all parts of the world A stimulating and supportive environment for all students and staff, distinguished by a commitment to high standards, respect for the individual and a strong sense of collegiality Committed to operating in a sustainable manner Engaged with society’s interests, concerns, priorities and aspirations A major contributor culturally, environmentally and economically to Bristol and the South West Well led and responsibly run, with an emphasis on consultative decision-making and open communication as well as personal responsibility and accountability Key to Bristol’s vision is a clear and consistent articulation of and dialogue with its many stakeholder and publics about the wide range of research carried out at the Institution and hence is often featured in many national and international media. It has a proud history of two way dialogue as part of its research activities and addresses the world’s key challenges through an interdisciplinary approach.

The University also plays a lead role in the city of Bristol’s cultural and economic well being and carries out an extensive programme of events and activities on behalf of the city, as well as being a keen supporter of partner organisations’ activities.

The University is keen to support initiatives like The Conversation as part of a continual drive to increase the collective understanding of and input into high quality research.


Displaying 861 - 880 of 887 articles

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), which says it regrets the leak of it’s latest major report. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Human role in climate change now virtually certain: leaked IPCC report

A leaked draft report by the world’s top climate scientists has found that is virtually certain that humans are causing climate change but parts of it have been wildly misinterpreted by climate change…
Want to know what’s going on with the atmosphere? Ask the American Geophysical Union. Jim Nix

The real debate on climate is happening in San Francisco

The latest climate talks in Doha are unlikely to yield a breakthrough. Instead, the can will most likely be kicked further down the road, at considerable future cost. The Doha negotiations coincide with…
Ignoring climate change isn’t stupidity, it’s ideology. Peter Foley/EPA

A storm of stupidity? Sandy, evidence and climate change

“It’s global warming, stupid” – Bloomberg’s Businessweek cover last week left little doubt about their opinion concerning “Frankenstorm” Sandy. The accompanying tweet anticipated that the cover might “generate…
Although most experts agree that CO2 emissions are causing anthropogenic global warming, public concern has been declining, the study said.

Scientific consensus shifts public opinion on climate change

People are more likely to believe that humans cause global warming if they are told that 97% of publishing climate scientists agree that it does, a new study has found. Despite overwhelming evidence showing…
If health ministers want to keep people out of here they should be supporting - not opposing - action on climate change. Dan Cox

Health ministers’ attacks on climate change action are just sick

The ACCC has been vigilant about following up the 45 or so carbon price gouging complaints it gets each day. But who can stop the politicians? Their relentless carbon price scare campaigns seek to frighten…
Gina Rinehart’s involvement in Fairfax is unlikely to alleviate an already polarised and fragmented media discourse in Australia. AAP

Rinehart’s tilt at power is bad news for public debate

There are numerous indications that mining magnate Gina Rinehart seeks to take control of the Fairfax media group. What are the likely implications of that move, and how would it affect Australian society…
Philosophers talk about the “dirty hands” problem: are lies OK in the pursuit of truth? Le Mast/Flickr

The morality of unmasking Heartland

“Truth is so precious that she should be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” Winston Churchill’s famous words were uttered during the war against the Nazis and referred to Operation Bodyguard, a deception…
It can be hard to sort fact from fiction in the modern media environment. Mike Bailey-Gates

Fighting fact-free journalism: a how-to guide

A growing cohort of commentators has bemoaned the descent of contemporary political “debate” into a largely fact-free zone. People used to be entitled to their own opinions, but not their own set of facts…
You can’t believe everything you read in the papers … but you probably will. EPA/Ian Nicholson

Why The Guardian’s correction won’t change your mind about Milly Dowler

So The Guardian has now retracted its earlier reports that News of the World journalists had deleted Milly Dowler’s voicemails. Those journalists hacked the dead girl’s phone but they may not have deleted…
When a relationship goes off course, it can be hard to refocus attention. Digitalnative

Way off balance: science and the mainstream media

THE STATE OF SCIENCE: Has there been a communication breakdown between science and the media and, if so, is the damage terminal? In the concluding instalment of our series, Stephan Lewandowsky and Steve…
The scandal isn’t the emails, it’s the hacking. UN Climate Change

There is a real climategate out there

Emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit have once again been hacked and released on the internet. The timing is similar to the “climategate” scandal of 2009, with emails published…
People distrust science for many reasons, but this can be overcome. Jody Art

Why do people reject science? Here’s why …

THE STATE OF SCIENCE: Why do people distrust science? Why do some of us reject consensus on a whole range of scientific findings? As Professor Stephan Lewandowsky explains, it often comes down to the way…
Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, announced the terms of reference for the media inquiry on Wednesday. AAP

Broad terms for media inquiry but what about ownership?

The Australian government has announced the terms of reference of its planned media inquiry, which will look at the powers of the Press Council, recent technological developments and the ability of the…
The media does the public a disservice when it misrepresents climate change. danny birchall

Selling climate uncertainty: misinformation and the media

MEDIA & DEMOCRACY - Today, The Conversation launches a week-long series, looking at how the media influences the way our representatives develop policy. To kick off, Stephan Lewandowsky asks how media…
Polar bears are at the centre of a scientific fracas in the US. AAP

Polar bear scientist on thin ice in Arctic imbroglio

Something does not add up. About two weeks ago, a scientist working for the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Enforcement and Regulation (BOEMRE), Dr Charles Monnett, was placed on administrative leave…
She’s got the book, but did she read it? Ross Garnaut explains the advice he gave. AAP

Ross Garnaut discusses the economics behind the carbon tax

Top Conversation author Professor Stephan Lewandowsky and former Western Australian Premier Carmen Lawrence were part of a group that sat down with Ross Garnaut during his recent visit to UWA. During the…


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