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Wayne State University

Founded in 1868, Wayne State University is a nationally recognized urban research institution offering more than 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 27,000 students. Wayne State’s main campus in Midtown Detroit comprises 100 buildings over 200 acres; its five satellite campuses offer higher education to students throughout Southeast Michigan.

Wayne State is dedicated to preparing students to excel by combining the academic excellence of a major research university with the practical experience of an institution that by its history, location and diversity represents a microcosm of the world we live in. Reflecting its location and the excellent international reputation of its graduate schools — particularly in the sciences — Wayne State boasts the most diverse student body among Michigan’s public universities.


Displaying 21 - 40 of 247 articles

UAW President Shawn Fain speaks with General Motors workers on July 12, 2023, in Detroit. Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

US autoworkers may wage a historic strike against Detroit’s 3 biggest automakers − with wages at EV battery plants a key roadblock to agreement

A strike would shake up the auto industry, even though both the union’s ranks and the share of the US automotive market controlled by GM, Ford and Stellantis have been shrinking for decades.
Maternal and infant health crises are growing worse in the U.S. LWA/Dann Tardif/Digital Vision via Getty Images

US preterm birth and maternal mortality rates are alarmingly high, outpacing those in all other high-income countries

A March of Dimes report gave the US a grade of D+ for maternal and infant health care, highlighting that the national preterm birth rate hit 10.5% in 2021, a record 15-year high.
Wiping away tears, Nita Battise, vice chairperson of the tribal council of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, reacts to the Supreme Court ruling upholding a law that gives Native American families priority in adoptions and foster care placements of tribal children. Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Supreme Court affirms Congress’s power over Indian affairs, upholds law protecting Native American children

A Supreme Court ruling has upheld the right of Congress to pass laws about Native American tribes’ rights to self-government.
Denying waivers to survivors of domestic violence can hinder their independence from their abusers. Alvaro Medina Jurado/Moment via Getty Images

Work requirements don’t work for domestic violence survivors – but Michigan data shows they rarely get waivers they should receive for cash assistance

People who have experienced domestic violence can have trouble finding and keeping jobs because of physical injuries and their abusers’ efforts to sabotage their employment.
If one friend is always the boss, the other friend may suffer. Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

A friend who’s more boss than BFF may be harmful for teens’ mental health

Friendships are important, but are they always healthy? New research finds that teens who feel dominated by their friends experience lower self-esteem and more symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Data shows teacher pay never exceeds that of other college graduates. Blend Images - LWA/Dann Tardif via Getty Images

Is it time for teachers to get a raise?

Teacher wages have risen little over the past few decades when adjusted for inflation.
The mass shooting at a dance studio in Monterey Park, Calif., is the latest in an endless string of gun violence tragedies. AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

Horror and anguish are playing out on repeat following the latest mass shooting – and the mental health scars extend far beyond those directly affected

Even people who are only indirectly exposed to these repeat tragedies, such as first responders and those affected by media coverage, can experience profound and long-lasting grief.
Malgré des années de politiques d'austérité salariale et le retour de l'inflation, les mouvements de protestation, comme ici en juin à Sydney, n'ont été que très épisodiques en Australie, en partie du fait de la loi. Saeed Khan / AFP

États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Espagne… Quelles perspectives pour l’action syndicale dans le monde en 2023 ?

À quelques jours du mouvement des syndicats français contre la réforme des retraites, les experts de The Conversation vous proposent un panorama mondial de la mobilisation sociale.


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