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University of Exeter

The University of Exeter is a Russell Group university that combines world-class research with very high levels of student satisfaction. It is one of the global top 100 universities according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-16, positioned 93rd. Exeter is also ranked 7th in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2016, 9th in the Guardian University Guide 2016 and 10th in The Complete University Guide 2016.

In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), the University ranked 16th nationally, with 98% of its research rated as being of international quality. Exeter was named The Times and The Sunday Times Sports University of the Year 2015-16, in recognition of excellence in performance, education and research. Exeter was The Sunday Times University of the Year 2012-13.

The University will launch its flagship Living Systems Institute in 2016, a world-class, interdisciplinary research community that will revolutionise the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This follows recent investments of more than £350 million worth of new facilities across its campuses in recent years; including landmark new student services centres - the Forum in Exeter and The Exchange on the Penryn Campus in Cornwall, together with world-class new facilities for Biosciences, the Business School and the Environment and Sustainability Institute.


Displaying 121 - 140 of 455 articles

Un bar géant à l’Académie des sciences de Californie. L’odorat des poissons est très affecté par un niveau élevé de CO2 dans l'océan. Togabi/Wikimedia

Toujours plus de CO₂ dans les eaux perturbe l’odorat et le comportement des poissons

La concentration du CO₂ dans l’océan affecte la manière dont les poissons détectent les prédateurs, leurs congénères ou la nourriture. Une menace pour des populations entières de poissons.
The Giant Sea Bass at the California Academy of Sciences. Fishes'sense of smell is highly affected by high level of carbon dioxide in the ocean. Togabi/Wikimedia

Ocean fish are under threat if we don’t curb carbon dioxide emissions

Increase of carbon dioxide in the ocean affects the way fish detect predators, mates or food and could threaten not only individual fish but entire populations.


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