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Pitch an article idea

Thanks for your interest in pitching an idea to The Conversation.

Please read our 2-page author guide with time-saving tips. You can also do a keyword search to see what we’ve published on your topic before.

What do we publish?

  • Timely, evidence-based, plain English analysis of issues in the news
  • New research with significant findings for our broad, mainly non-academic audience
  • Timeless ‘explainers’ or analysis pieces, answering interesting questions based on research evidence.

Can you write for The Conversation?

You must be a researcher or academic working at a member university or affiliated research institution, publishing original work. PhD candidates can write for us but we don’t publish articles from Masters students or undergraduates. Contributors are not paid.

Please be aware that we are only able to accept a fraction of the pitches we receive. However, we do respond to all pitches submitted through this channel within 3 business days.

No, but I'm a reader with a question or idea to suggest