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Harvard University

Harvard is at the frontier of academic and intellectual discovery. Those who venture here—to learn, research, teach, work, and grow—join nearly four centuries of students and scholars in the pursuit of truth, knowledge, and a better world.

As a research university and nonprofit institution, Harvard is focused on creating educational opportunities for people from many lived experiences.

Harvard has 12 degree-granting Schools and the Harvard Radcliffe Institute. We also offer countless of non-degree opportunities for professional and lifelong learners, including executive education, continuing education, and online courses.


Displaying 521 - 535 of 535 articles

Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” set in the context of slavery, depicts stark racial stereotypes. AAP/ Facundo Arrizabalaga

How Quentin Tarantino unchained Django (and historical facts)

This year, America will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, a presidential decree that effectively abolished slavery in all states in rebellion during the Civil…
insulin flickr cogdogblog grn.

Climate Change and Obesity?

This is likely to cause controversy, but I am going to draw a line in the sand. We have a number of massive Global Health challenges to address as a society, but to me, there are none more pressing, threatening…

Three thoughts from Translational Global Health

In 2012, the global health community is at a crossroads – politically, socially, economically and technologically. Facing some of the largest health challenges in history, we must critically re-think our…

What are ‘social determinants of health’?

Put simply, social determinants of health (SDoH) are the “causes behind the causes”. The upstream social and economic factors that largely but insidiously dictate the health - and disease - of individuals…

Health beyond the horizon

Recently, I was delivering a lecture to 500 young, inspired students. I made a clear and alarming point that the current young generation in many societies including our own, could be the first in history…
Urban environments are increasingly bombarding us with unhealthy food choices. John Walker

Rethinking how we live to stop the chronic diseases epidemic

We are in the midst of a global epidemic of chronic diseases – diabetes, heart disease, cancers and respiratory disease are on the rise across the world. Posing a real and increasing threat to health and…
The older journals have greater histories, so researchers are almost coerced into publishing in them. Bridget Coila

Open access: everyone has the right to knowledge

This week, we celebrate open access week – an event aimed at bringing attention to this rapidly emerging form of scientific publication and its ethical imperatives. Traditionally, knowledge breakthroughs…
Non-communicable diseases are the silent assassins in global health. Risk exposure begins in early childhood, and accumulates across the lifespan. michaelwhays

One year on, what has the UN meeting on non-communicable diseases achieved?

What causes two out of every three deaths in the world, has been described by the Director-General of the World Health Organisation as “a slow motion disaster” and by the Secretary-General of the UN a…
Chronic diseases act as a driver for disadvantage in the developing world, leading to cycles of poverty. Secom Bahia/Flickr

Five myths about the global epidemic of chronic diseases

The eyes and ears of the global health world were firmly fixed on Geneva last week for the 2012 World Health Assembly, the annual meeting of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) member states. One of…
Protesters carry portraits of Osama bin Laden on his first death anniversary, during an anti-US rally in Quetta, Pakistan, 02 May 2012. Musa Farman/AAP

Nabbing Osama with a vaccine scam a threat to global health

We’ve been reminded this month of the United States’ success in finally finding Osama bin Laden. But one thing missing in the media coverage was the allegation that the CIA established a fake hepatitis…


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