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James Cook University

Creating a brighter future for life in the Tropics and beyond, through education and research that makes a difference locally, and globally.


Displaying 121 - 140 of 575 articles

Mobile traders, or pedagang along-along, in Langkat, Sumatra, were able to continue selling fish despite COVID-19 disruptions. Sharon K. Suri

How small-scale seafood supply chains adapt to COVID-19 disruptions

Local, flexible buyers and networks helped support small-scale seafood supply chains coping with COVID-19 disruptions.
Divers excavate a shallow water submerged Mesolithic midden off the island of Hjarnø, Denmark. J. Benjamin.

Ancient undersea middens offer clues about life before rising seas engulfed the coast. Now we have a better way to study them

Undersea shell middens contain important clues about the past - what people ate, who they were interacting with and how the climate was changing. Now we have a better way to detect and excavate them.
Il ne s’agit pas seulement de dormir suffisamment, mais aussi de se coucher tôt. Shutterstock

Pourquoi il est important que les enfants se couchent tôt

La petite enfance est une période critique, durant laquelle se construisent les bases des habitudes de toute une vie. Éduquer les enfants à bien dormir servira leur santé et leur bien-être futurs.
A sea cucumber living on the Great Barrier Reef inter-reef seafloor. Kent Holmes/Nature Ecology and Evolution

Life on the hidden doughnuts of the Great Barrier Reef is also threatened by climate change

We are only just beginning to understand the importance of this deep and hidden area of the inter-reef that supports a rich diversity of marine life.


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