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Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norwegian: Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet), commonly known as NTNU, is located in Trondheim. NTNU is the second largest of the eight universities in Norway, and, as its name suggests, has the main national responsibility for higher education in engineering and technology. In addition to engineering and the natural and physical sciences, the university offers advanced degrees in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts, medicine, architecture and fine art.

NTNU has 22 000 students, half of whom are studying technology-related subjects or the natural sciences. About 3200 degrees awarded each year, and 300 are doctoral degrees, including to around 1800 international students. Dozens of international student exchange programmes and more than 300 cooperative or exchange agreements with 60 universities worldwide. In 2011, the university provided 2600 scientific papers and reviews, and 4000 scientific presentations in more than 100 laboratories.


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La façon dont est mesuré le niveau sonore des éoliennes va influencer la gêne ressentie par les riverains. Shutterstock

Nuisances sonores des éoliennes : faut-il changer de sonomètre ?

Et si la réglementation française devait repenser la façon dont on évalue, au plan réglementaire, les nuisances sonores des éoliennes ? C’est ce que suggèrent plusieurs travaux scientifiques.

The smoke from autumn burn-offs could make coronavirus symptoms worse. It’s not worth the risk

Expanding planned burning is often touted as a way to lessen the risk of bushfires. But this burn-off season is bad news for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Komunitas Tsaatan di Mongolia bagian utara yang beternak rusa. (Shutterstock)

Perjuangan krisis iklim dan yang bisa kita lakukan

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A Tsaatan community in northern Mongolia, herding reindeer. (Shutterstock)

COP25 climate summit: Action must include divestment, decolonization and resistance

Who wins, who loses and whose natures are being talked about when nature-based solutions are proposed?
U.S. President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto hold a news conference before signing the USMCA. The deal, if passed into law, poses dangers to public health. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The new NAFTA’s assault on public health

The collective public health of Canada, the United States and Mexico will take a hit if the new NAFTA becomes law.
Wind turbines require massive structures that are polluting to produce and can harm ecosystems, but these impacts compare favorably with those of fossil alternatives.

Does ‘green energy’ have hidden health and environmental costs?

No energy source is perfect, but solar and wind have a much lower health and environmental footprint than fossil fuels, a study finds. Biopower, though, is a mixed bag.
Will Norway’s electric car boom out-live the tax breaks that popularised them? C.Bry@nt

How to spread Norway’s success with electric cars

Electric cars have been a huge success in Norway, with more electric cars per capita than anywhere else in the world. Sales are thriving, with Norway’s new car market boasting the largest share of electric…


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