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University of California, San Francisco

The leading university exclusively focused on health, UC San Francisco is driven by the idea that when the best research, the best education and the best patient care converge, great breakthroughs are achieved.

A hallmark of its excellence is UCSF’s spirit of collaboration that is carried through its partnerships across the campus and the world in pursuit of its advancing health worldwide™ mission.

Its faculty include five Nobel laureates, who have made seminal contributions to advance the understanding of cancer, neurodegenartive diseases, aging and stem cell research.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 127 articles

The for-profit nursing home sector is growing, and it places a premium on cost cutting and big profits, which has led to low staffing and patient neglect and mistreatment. picture alliance via Getty Images

Profits over patients: For-profit nursing home chains are draining resources from care while shifting huge sums to owners’ pockets

Owners of midsize nursing home chains harm the elderly and drain huge sums of money from facilities using opaque accounting practices while government doesn’t do enough to stop it.
The for-profit nursing home sector is growing, while placing a premium on cost cutting and big profits. picture alliance via Getty Images

For-profit nursing homes are cutting corners on safety and draining resources with financial shenanigans − especially at midsize chains that dodge public scrutiny

Owners of midsize nursing home chains drain billions from facilities, hiding behind opaque accounting practices and harming the elderly as government, which has the power to stop it, falls short.
A evolução adaptativa aprimorou o gosto por doces dos morcegos frugívoros . Keith Rose/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Dieta rica em açúcar dos morcegos frugívoros pode ajudar na luta contra o diabetes

Os morcegos frugívoros podem comer até duas vezes o seu peso corporal em frutas por dia. Mas seus genes e células evoluíram para processar todo esse açúcar sem nenhuma consequência para a saúde - um feito com o qual os desenvolvedores de medicamentos podem aprender.
Fruit bats have honed their sweet tooth through adaptive evolution. Keith Rose/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Why don’t fruit bats get diabetes? New understanding of how they’ve adapted to a high-sugar diet could lead to treatments for people

Fruit bats can eat up to twice their body weight in fruit a day. But their genes and cells evolved to process all that sugar without any health consequences − a feat drug developers can learn from.
Une classe de neurones inhibiteurs peut établir des connexions à longue distance entre les deux hémisphères du cerveau. (kinbostanci/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

La flexibilité cognitive est essentielle pour naviguer dans un monde en mutation. Voici comment votre cerveau apprend de nouvelles règles

Une meilleure compréhension des circuits cérébraux intervenant dans l’adaptation comportementale pourrait déboucher sur de nouvelles méthodes de traitement de plusieurs maladies, dont la schizophrénie.
This microscopy image shows the retina of a mouse, laid flat and made fluorescent. Kenyoung Kim, Wonkyu Ju and Mark Ellisman/National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California, San Diego via Flickr

Seeing what the naked eye can’t − 4 essential reads on how scientists bring the microscopic world into plain sight

Visualization is an essential part of the scientific process. Advances in imaging have enabled eye-opening discoveries, not only for scientists and researchers but also for the general public.
In a March 2023 episode of ‘Accused,’ a teacher tries to help his student navigate the hurdles of getting an abortion. Steve Wilkie/FOX

How TV shows have grappled with a post-Dobbs America

Though abortion is appearing in more plot lines, many programs still aren’t accurately depicting what the reality of abortion access looks like in America today.
Gliomas can form connections with distant areas of the brain, exploiting them for their own spread and growth. Andriy Onufriyenko/Moment via Getty Images

Brain tumors are cognitive parasites – how brain cancer hijacks neural circuits and causes cognitive decline

Glioblastoma is the most aggressive type of brain cancer, causing significant decline in cognitive function. New research suggests a common anti-seizure drug could help control tumor growth.
Researchers are working on untangling the neural circuitry of chronic and acute pain. Victor Habbick Visions/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Chronic pain can be objectively measured using brain signals – new research

Pain has long been subjectively measured, leading to frustrations for patients and doctors alike. Identifying neural biomarkers of pain could improve diagnosis and lead to better treatments of chronic pain conditions.
A class of inhibitory neurons can make long-distance connections across both hemispheres of the brain. akinbostanci/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research in mice shows how your brain learns new rules

Learning new rules requires the suppression of old ones. A better understanding of the brain circuits involved in behavioral adaptation could lead to new ways to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.


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