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University of Massachusetts

The University of Massachusetts is a world-class public research university committed to advancing knowledge and transforming lives. Through its world-class educational programs, groundbreaking research enterprise and its impactful community service and industry engagement activities, UMass harnesses the revolutionary spirit of Massachusetts to deliver an unparalleled student experience.

With four comprehensive undergraduate and graduate campuses, a top-ranked medical school and a mission-driven law school, each campus offers a dynamic educational experience in a uniquely Massachusetts location, from the coastal town of Dartmouth to the international hub of Boston, from the vibrant mill cities of Lowell and Worcester to the bucolic hills of Amherst. Rigorous academic programs in a broad range of fields prepare students to contribute to their communities, thrive in a new economy and change the world.


Displaying 261 - 280 of 335 articles

Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the families of the 43 students who went missing in 2014 in Guerrero state. He has ordered a truth commission to investigate the unsolved disappearance. Reuters/Edgard Garrido

Mexico is bleeding. Can its new president stop the violence?

President López Obrador campaigned on some outside-the-box ideas to ‘pacify’ Mexico after 12 years of extreme violence. But so far his government has emphasized traditional law-and-order policies.
An escalator with a pile of plastic bottles at the factory for processing and recycling. Alba_alioth/

Toward a circular economy: Tackling the plastics recycling problem

With all those blue recycling bins around you might think we are experts at recycling plastics. The truth is, that though many plastic items can be recycled, very few are. So what’s the solution?
Feel like traveling to another dimension? Better choose your black hole wisely. Vadim Sadovski/

Rotating black holes may serve as gentle portals for hyperspace travel

Feel like visiting another star system or dimension? You can do this by traveling through a spacetime portal of a black hole. But you better choose carefully. All black holes are not created equal.
Do you know what have your clothes been soaking in? ET1972/Shutterstock

What is ‘green’ dry cleaning? A toxics expert explains

Dry cleaning isn’t really dry – it uses chemical solvents. Perc, the most common option, has contaminated soil and groundwater and poses serious health risks, but safer choices are emerging.
Dr. Who used the this time machine, called the TARDIS, to travel through space and time on the BBC television show Dr. Who. Babbel1996 / Wikimedia Commons

Time travel is possible – but only if you have an object with infinite mass

Who wouldn’t want to travel in time, glimpsing the dinosaurs or peeking at humans 2,000 years from now? Now physicists have designed a time machine that seems deceptively simple.
Numerous data show black students are kicked out of school at disproportionate rates. Rido/

How activists are fighting racial disparities in school discipline

A grassroots movement to end racial disparities in schoolhouse discipline is beginning to take root throughout the nation and winning important victories at the local level. Can it sustain the effort?
President George H.W. Bush in 1990. Mark Reinstein/

George H.W. Bush laid the foundation for education reform

Though his education initiative staggered while he was in office, the late former President George H.W. Bush had an influence that continues to shape education policy, an education historian says.
Sgt. Ron Helus, killed by gunshot Nov. 8, 2018, was remembered and honored at his funeral Nov. 14, 2018. Al Seib /Los Angeles Times via AP, Pool

Forget lanes – we all need to head together toward preventing firearm injury

In response to the NRA telling doctors to ‘stay in their lane’ on gun control, doctors loudly and clearly came back with this response: This is our lane. A surgeon explains their concern and urgency.
Vaccine work because they help create herd immunity. JPC-PROD/

3 ethical reasons for vaccinating your children

Billboards spreading misinformation on the risks of vaccination have popped up around American cities. A bioethicist explains why decisions not to vaccinate children are indefensible.
A memorial vigil for the victims of the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue where a shooter killed 11 and wounded six on Oct. 27, 2018. AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

Terror isn’t always a weapon of the weak – it can also support the powerful

The attack at a synagogue in Pittsburgh and the sending of pipe bombs to critics of the current administration are examples of the increase in the violence on the margins of the right.
High school students at the University of Maine Farmington’s Upward Bound program playing the World Climate simulation. Mary Sinclair

How a game can move people from climate apathy to action

In the ‘World Climate’ simulation, people play delegates to UN climate negotiations and work to strike an agreement that meets global climate goals. Playing it has made thousands want to take action.
Anita Hill, who accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment, amid heavy security when she was to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Oct. 10, 1991. AP Photo/Doug Mills

Things have changed since Anita Hill – sort of

Anita Hill charged in 1991 that Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her. He was still confirmed. Now, another nominee faces sexual assault allegations. Have times changed?


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