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University of Southern California

Located in Los Angeles, a global center for arts, technology and international trade, the University of Southern California is one of the world’s leading private research universities. USC enrolls more international students than any other U.S. university and offers extensive opportunities for internships and study abroad. With a strong tradition of integrating liberal and professional education, USC fosters a vibrant culture of public service and encourages students to cross academic as well as geographic boundaries in their pursuit of knowledge.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 537 articles

Social media regulation – and the future of Section 230 – are top of mind for many in Congress. Pavlo Conchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

Beyond Section 230: A pair of social media experts describes how to bring transparency and accountability to the industry

A key piece of federal law, Section 230, has been credited with fostering the internet and allowing misinformation and hate speech to flourish. Here’s how it could be reformed.
Fathers’ brains adjust their structure and function to parenthood. María Paternina-Die

Fatherhood changes men’s brains, according to before-and-after MRI scans

Neuroscientists know that pregnant mothers’ brains change in ways that appear to help with caring for a baby. Now researchers have identified changes in new fathers’ brains, too.
US President Joe Biden shakes hands with Indonesian President and G20 host Joko Widodo at the 2022 summit in Nusa Dua, Bali. ANTARA FOTO/Media Center G20 Indonesia/Akbar Nugroho Gumay/wsj.

What is the G20 summit in Bali? Who’s there? And what are the top 3 topics on the agenda?

With “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” as its theme, the 2022 summit has global health, digital transformation, and a sustainable energy transition high on the agenda.
Presiden Joko Widodo (kanan) berjabat tangan dengan Presiden Amerika Serikat Joe Biden saat pertemuan bilateral di sela rangkaian kegiatan KTT G20 Indonesia di Nusa Dua, Bali, Senin (14/11/2022). ANTARA FOTO/Media Center G20 Indonesia/Akbar Nugroho Gumay/wsj.

G20 2022 Bali: memahami istilah penting dan tujuan berkumpulnya kepala negara ekonomi terbesar di dunia

Masih banyak masyarakat yang belum memahami apa itu G20, apa tujuannya dan apa gunanya bagi negara-negara di seluruh dunia secara umum, dan bagi Indonesia secara khusus.
Necesita estar preparado para poder votar el día de las elecciones. AP Photo/Charles Krupa

Qué hacer si su derecho a votar es impugnado el día de las elecciones

El día de las elecciones en el centro de votación le dicen a usted que no está registrado como votante o que no tiene derecho a votar. Una abogada de derechos civiles ofrece una guía para que los votantes conozcan los derechos que tienen de votar.
You need to be prepared so you can vote on Election Day. AP Photo/Charles Krupa

What to do if your vote is challenged on Election Day

It’s Election Day, you go to vote – and you’re told you’re not registered or you’re not eligible to vote. A civil rights lawyer provides a guide so voters can know their rights to cast a ballot.
Women are more likely to vote than men, but white women have different voting tendencies than women of color. Scott Eisen/Getty Images

How gender, race, age and voter ID laws affect whether a voter actually casts a ballot

Every citizen has the right to vote. But various characteristics and legal requirements affect how likely any one person is to actually cast a ballot.
Filipino Americans are less likely to seek mental health help than average Americans. LPETTET/E+ via Getty Images

When Filipino parents in the US encourage their children to talk about their feelings and promote cultural pride, their children’s mental health improves

Workshops that focus on the needs of one particular immigrant community improve mental health for parents and kids and provide an example for other programs to follow.
A Long Island Power Authority smart meter installed at a home in Suffolk County, N.Y. John Paraskevas/Newsday RM via Getty Images

Smart meters and dynamic pricing can help consumers use electricity when it’s less costly, saving money and reducing pollution

Most households pay a flat rate 24/7 for electricity although the cost of generating it fluctuates through the day. Wireless technologies are changing that system.


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