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Articles on Binge drinking

Displaying 1 - 20 of 63 articles

Students headed to university are thirsty for socializing and missed milestones, and risky alcohol consumption could be more of a problem than it usually is. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

Universities need to prepare for student binge drinking after COVID-19 shutdowns

Cancelling campus events won’t address the potential harms of binge drinking this fall. Universities must plan additional activities to curb risky alcohol use and promote student wellness.
Holiday drinking can get out of hand before we know it. It’s important to know the signs of overuse. Steve Cukrov/

Alcoholic? Me? How to tell if your holiday drinking is becoming a problem

The holidays are not solely about religious observations or societal celebrations, as alcohol has established itself in the festivities. But how much is too much? An addiction specialist examines.
Queenslanders are drinking heavily when they go out and breathalyser tests show most don’t realise how drunk they are.

Queenslanders are among our heaviest drinkers on nights out, and changing that culture is a challenge

Even after ‘Tackling Alcohol-Fuelled Violence’ policies took effect in 2016, Queenslanders still drink more heavily on nights out. Reported levels of aggression are higher than in other states too.

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