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Articles on Skin

Displaying 61 - 80 of 86 articles

Mirror, mirror … Dabarti CGI

How long until we can print human faces in the lab?

Face transplants are one of the great leaps forward of 21st-century medicine. But soon they may not be necessary.
If you’re at high risk of skin cancer, check your skin regularly. Roman Königshofer/Flickr

Spot the difference: harmless mole or potential skin cancer?

The earlier you find a cancerous mole, the easier the treatment and the better the outcomes. But it’s not easy distinguishing between harmless, benign moles and those that warrant further attention. In…
Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating affects around 3% of the population. Jayel Aheram

Explainer: why do I sweat so much and how can I stop it?

Everybody sweats, some more than others. It’s a physiological reaction to heat and the body’s mechanism to regulate core temperate. Individual sweat rates vary and are influenced by factors such as ambient…
Adult acne is very common and usually affects women women in their 20s, 30s and 40s. alri/Shutterstock

Health Check: why do I still get zits?

You may have battled blemishes in your teens, or made it through puberty and early adulthood with relatively clear skin, but it always feels particularly unlucky contending with zits in adulthood. Adult…
Mad Men actor Jon Hamm claims to be diagnosed with the skin condition vitiligo – but what is it, exactly? EPA/Gus Ruelas

Explainer: what is vitiligo?

Vitiligo, a human skin condition that turns patches of skin and hair white, it is not a disease we hear much about, although it affects approximately 1% of the population. Most famously, Michael Jackson…
“Give me some skin! No, really.” saikofish

Explainer: what is electronic skin?

Once a topic explored exclusively in science fiction, the notion of restoring sensory feelings to humans and to machines is now approaching reality. Scientists around the world are developing artificial…

VIDEO: How laser tattoo removal works

Professor Rodney Sinclair explains how advances in laser tattoo removal technology have enabled the relatively safe and easy removal of tattoos. But it is a medical procedure, and as laser dermatologist…
Lasers remove different coloured ink by generating a different frequency of light. Sheila Blige

Explainer: how are tattoos removed?

You’re probably familiar with how tattooing works: coloured ink is deposited via needles into the dermal layer of skin. But you’re probably less familiar with the process for having it removed: laser therapy…
Clinics advertise the most popular laser treatments from A$100 but they can involve a lot more financial pain. Matt Baran

Invisible ink: the rise of the tattoo removal industry

Tattoo removal is a lucrative business. According to one estimate, about a quarter of Australians under 30 have a tattoo. And approximately a quarter of these people are planning to have it removed. Tattoo…

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