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Articles on Vegetables

Displaying 21 - 40 of 83 articles

During coronavirus lockdowns, gardens have served as an escape from feelings of alienation. Richard Bord/Getty Images

The impulse to garden in hard times has deep roots

What drives people to garden isn’t the fear of hunger so much as hunger for physical contact – and a longing to engage in work that is real.

Frozen, canned or fermented: when you can’t shop often for fresh vegetables, what are the best alternatives?

It’s a great time to learn how to ferment foods. And don’t turn your nose up at frozen veggies - they can be just as nutritious as some of the fresh produce in shops.
Need a handkerchief? Num LP Photo/Shutterstock

Why do onions make you cry?

Like many plants, onions have defenses to ward off creatures that may want to eat them. Their secret weapon is a kind of natural tear gas.

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