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Amherst College

Amherst College prepares students to use ideas to make a difference in the world. Located in a bustling university town in rural Western Massachusetts, Amherst is one of the premier U.S. liberal arts colleges, enrolling 1,800 undergraduates from more than 50 countries and almost every state. Its student body is among the most socioeconomically, racially, ethnically and internationally diverse in the nation, and its financial aid program is among the most substantial. Small classes, an open curriculum and a focus on undergraduate education ensure that Amherst professors—who are leading scholars in their fields—interact daily with talented, curious students, equipping them for leadership in an increasingly global and complex world.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 66 articles

Hungarian police officers check cars at the closed Austria-Hungary border, March 18, 2020. Alex Halada/AFP via Getty Images

Coronavirus versus democracy: 5 countries where emergency powers risk abuse

National emergencies allow for the purest expressions of sovereign power, testing the government’s commitment to human rights. Some leaders are failing the coronavirus test, experts say.
Aktivis iklim Greta Thunberg saat mendengarkan penjelasan dari peneliti iklim di COP 25, Madrid, Spanyol. AP Photo/Paul White

Greta Thunberg bukanlah mesias, tapi suara keadilan iklim

Beberapa pihak sudah mulai membuat aktivisme Greta terkesan seperti seorang mesias, yang bahan penolakan dari climate deniers.
La activista del clima Greta Thunberg durante una reunión con científicos del clima en la cumbre de la COP25 en Madrid, España. AP Photo/Paul White

Los peligros de considerar a Greta Thunberg una profeta

Algunos enmarcan el activismo de Thunberg en términos mesiánicos, lo que podría alimentar el argumentario de los negacionistas del cambio climático.
Climate activist Greta Thunberg listens during a meeting with climate scientists at the COP25 summit in Madrid, Spain. AP Photo/Paul White

The dangers of depicting Greta Thunberg as a prophet

Some have started to frame Thunberg’s activism in messianistic terms – and this can serve as fodder for climate deniers.
Leftovers, as one French chef put it, ‘can be as good as, if not better than, the first time they are served.’ Tom Grundy/

What to do with those Thanksgiving leftovers? Look to the French

It doesn’t have to be a week of tiresome turkey sandwiches. A food historian explains how the French came to see leftovers as an outlet for creativity and experimentation.
Donald Trump and Paul Manafort in 2016. Mark Reinstein/MediaPunch /IPX

Will Trump pardon Manafort?

Presidents past have used a nearly limitless power of pardon to halt criminal prosecutions before. What’s to stop Trump?
Edward Hopper’s ‘Office in a Small City’ (1953). Gandalf's Gallery

A history of loneliness

Although loneliness may seem timeless and universal, the word seems to have originated in the 16th century,
Several thousand people gather at a rally in Washington in 1952 to hear Evangelist Billy Graham preach. AP Photo

Could there be another Billy Graham?

Current trends suggest that evangelicalism is out of step with younger Americans. But, a scholar says, evangelicalism has been here before.


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