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University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo is Canada’s top innovation university. With more than 36,000 students, Waterloo is home to the world’s largest co-operative education system of its kind. An unmatched entrepreneurial culture, combined with an intensive focus on research, powers one of the top innovation hubs in the world. Find out more at


Displaying 261 - 280 of 282 articles

Solar technicians inspect panels at a Pacific Gas and Electric Solar Plant, in Dixon, Calif. in this file photo. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

Solar power alone won’t solve energy or climate needs

Amid news that solar power capacity will outstrip nuclear by 2018, what do those assertions really mean?
Election posters in Frankfurt tout German Chancellor Angela Merkel and request votes for her CDU party. German elections will be held on Sunday but, as usual, the action begins after the race is over. The slogan reads “Successful for Germany” (AP Photo/Michael Probst)

German elections could bring a new wave of extremism

German elections are typically tame. Jockeying for power takes place later, in negotiations for a coalition government. Could the xenophobic Alternative for Germany form the opposition?
An orange flag with the traditional Indian swastika on top of ancient Hindu temples in the Himalayas. (Shutterstock)

How Nazis twisted the swastika into a symbol of hate

The swastika, an ancient and innocent symbol in many cultures for hundreds of years, now represents racial hatred. Should the swastika be banned in North America as it is in Germany?
Social connections at camp can help build your child’s social network. (Shutterstock)

Summer camp: How to help your child make the most of it

With summer in full swing and kids flocking to camps across Canada, how do you assess whether your child’s having a good experience? Some suggestions on how to evaluate what will work for your child.
This wood tower on Bikeman islet, in the central Pacific island nation of Kiribati, used to be on the sand. Now it’s in the water. Further out, locals fish. David Gray/Reuters

Rising sea temperatures will hit fisheries and communities in poor countries the hardest

A new study finds that even in best-case scenarios, the fishing communities most hurt by climate change are on small island nations such as Kiribati, the Solomon Islands and the Maldives.
A technician checks a smart meter data in this file photo. Research suggests the technology fails to affect consumer behaviour. (AP Photo/Toby Talbot)

Are smart meters delivering on their promise?

Data suggests a smart-meter plan to shift electricity use to off-peak hours has had almost no impact.
Pregnant women in South Africa who live in poor communities are more likely to consider or attempt suicide than the general population. Mike Hutchings/Reuters

How social factors drive up suicide rates among pregnant women

Depression may lead pregnant women to engage in suicidal behaviour. But the socioeconomic contexts pregnant women are in may also contribute to their suicide risk.
The Australian dairy industry could consider a regulation model like that in Canada. Deb Hultgren/Flickr

Time to get regulation back into Australian dairy?

Government intervention in the crisis facing Australian dairy has opened the gates for suggestions of other types of regulation.
Slot machines are designed to make losses seem like wins. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji

How slots trick gamblers into losing more than they know

A 2011 Massachusetts law allows for the expansion of gambling, including slot machines. That law is now on the November 2014 election ballot for potential repeal. This is a real opportunity for voters…
The Abbott governments rush to sign bilateral trade deals with countries including Japan has meant quality has been sacrificed. Alan Porritt/AAP

Australia’s trade negotiating strategy fundamentally flawed

Ten years on from the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Australia is entering another round of negotiations towards the new and controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership. In this Free Trade Scorecard series…
Chris Hadfield spent nearly five months on the International Space Station. NASA

Speaking with: Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield

Speaking with: Chris Hadfield
Colonel Chris Hadfield is one of the most famous astronauts on Earth. Through the creative use of social media, he’s made space exciting and accessible to new generations of enthusiasts, most notably through…
Going where thousands have gone before. EPA/Kenji Kondo

Everest tourism is causing a mountain of problems

Everest climbing season is underway. For a few weeks each spring, the weather improves just enough to give climbers a chance of scaling the world’s tallest mountain. As increasing numbers flock to Everest…
Sorry guys, if you are smaller than 1 mm, you can’t be a species. Microbe World

How small is too small to qualify as a species?

Despite their small size, organisms smaller than thousandth of a metre (1 mm) contribute greatly to biodiversity and ecosystem function. Unfortunately, categorising small organisms, even defining those…


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