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Please note, this demonstration is only for King's students and staff.

Step into the future with our cutting-edge camera-based tactile sensor demo! Witness embedded cameras capturing artificial skin deformation, unveiling tactile images brimming with texture, force, and slip data. Join us to unravel how robots interpret the world through touch!

This demonstration is being run by Dr Shan Luo, Ni Ou and Tyrone Hu.

Dr Shan Luo is a Reader in Robotics and AI at King’s College London. He received his PhD in Robotics from King's College London in 2016. Shan visited the MIT Computer and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) in 2016. After completing his PhD, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Leeds and Harvard University. Shan joined the University of Liverpool as a Lecturer in 2018 and was the Director the smARTLab at the Department of Computer Science between 2018-2021.His research outputs have been published in high-impact robotics journals and international conferences, including Autonomous Robots, RA-L, ICRA, IROS, ECCV, ICML and AAMAS, and attracted significant media coverage, including BBC, MIT Technology Review and Tech Xplore.

Ni Ou is a student in the Department of Engineering at King's College London.

Tyrone Hi is a student in the Department of Informatics at King's College London.

This demo is in-person. Registration is not required.

This demo is part of the King's Festival of Artificial Intelligence, running from Tuesday 21 to Saturday 25 May 2024.

At this event

Shan Luo

Reader in Engineering

Event details

Great Hall K0.64
King's Building
Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS