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Boston University

Boston University is no small operation: it has over 33,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 140 countries, 10,000 faculty and staff, 16 schools and colleges, and 250 fields of study. BU was founded in 1839.

Boston University offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctorates, and medical, dental, business, and law degrees through eighteen schools and colleges on two urban campuses. The main campus is situated along the Charles River in Boston’s Fenway-Kenmore and Allston neighborhoods, while the Boston University Medical Campus is in Boston’s South End neighborhood. BU also operates 75 study abroad programs in more than 33 cities in over twenty countries and has internship opportunities in ten different countries (including the United States).

The university counts seven Nobel Laureates including Martin Luther King, Jr. (PhD ‘55) and Elie Wiesel, 35 Pulitzer Prize winners, nine Academy Award winners, Emmy and Tony Award winners among its faculty and alumni. BU also has MacArthur, Sloan, and Guggenheim Fellowship holders as well as American Academy of Arts and Sciences and National Academy of Sciences members among its past and present graduates and faculty.


Displaying 141 - 160 of 433 articles

Un miembro de la policía afgana y soldados estadounidenses cerca del aeródromo de Kandahar. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

20 años de guerra contra el terror en 20 cifras

La guerra de Afganistán, al igual que muchas otras guerras anteriores, comenzó con evaluaciones optimistas de una victoria rápida. Dos décadas después, seguimos pagando la factura.
A provision of the Affordable Care Act makes it easier for patients to receive preventive care. Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Digital Vision via Getty Images

The next attack on the Affordable Care Act may cost you free preventive health care

The Affordable Care Act has allowed many preventive health services, including cancer screenings and vaccines, to be free of charge. But legal challenges may lead to costly repercussions for patients.
Researchers can program neural networks composed of artificial neurons to simulate language processing. Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

Bilingual people with language loss due to stroke can pose a treatment challenge – computational modeling may help clinicians treat them

Computational modeling can predict language therapy response in bilingual people with aphasia. In the future, this could help clinicians identify the best language for treatment.
If you have an Apple device and upload photos to iCloud, the company will use some clever math to sniff them for instances of child abuse – without actually looking at the photos. Vinicius "amnx" Amano/Unsplash

Apple can scan your photos for child abuse and still protect your privacy – if the company keeps its promises

Apple will scan all photos uploaded to the cloud for child sexual abuse without actually looking at the photos. Privacy experts are concerned by the lack of public accountability.
Amid growing COVID-19 transmission, hospitalization and death rates, mask mandates are returning in some states. Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision via Getty Images

State policies can provide clear guidance on when to put on and take off masks – with benefits to health, education and the economy

After the CDC changed course in late July, recommending universal masking indoors, Nevada became the first state to adopt a flexible masking policy that can quickly adjust to changing COVID-19 rates.
Security precautions, thoughtful facilities design, careful training and safe lab practices help keep pathogens isolated. Boston University Photography

We work with dangerous pathogens in a downtown Boston biocontainment lab – here’s why you can feel safe about our research

The microbiologist who directs the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories at Boston University explains all the biosafety precautions in place that help him feel safer in the lab than out.
Access to transgender medical care has been under attack in many places in the U.S., and protesters, like those seen here in Texas, are pushing back. Erich Schlegel/AP Images for Human Rights Campaign

Transgender medicine – what care looks like, who seeks it out and what’s still unknown: 3 essential reads

Across the US, politicians, activists and transgender people are fighting over the right to access transgender medical care. Rarely is the care itself actually discussed. This is that discussion.
New research estimates that underage drinkers consume $2.2 billion of Anheuser-Busch InBev drinks – like Budweiser – per year. AP Photo/Reed Saxon

Alcohol companies make $17.5 billion a year off of underage drinking, while prevention efforts are starved for cash

In the US, underage drinking accounts for a whopping US$17.5 billion worth of alcohol yearly. New research shows which companies take in most of this money and how little is spent on prevention.


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