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Concordia University

Concordia University defines next-generation education by anticipating the future of what a university can and should be. Our research and teaching is daring, transformative and distinct with a “big thinking” approach that examines societal issues from an expansive, interdisciplinary perspective. Concordia is an open and engaged university that encourages students to become active, critical and global citizens. As part of Montreal’s fabric, we are deeply connected to the city — and we are deeply connected to the world at large. More than 46,000 students choose Concordia each year. Globally, we have nearly 200,000 graduates.

L’Université Concordia vous invite à sauter dans le monde de l’éducation nouvelle génération. Tournés vers l’avenir, nous savons ce qu’une université peut et doit être. Nos recherches et notre enseignement sont non seulement uniques et audacieux, mais aussi en constante évolution. Nous voyons grand, voilà pourquoi nous examinons les enjeux sociaux d’un point de vue global et interdisciplinaire. Concordia est une université ouverte et engagée qui encourage ses étudiants et étudiantes à devenir des citoyens du monde impliqués et critiques. Nos racines sont montréalaises et notre ADN est profondément lié à cette ville, mais notre regard, lui, est tourné vers le monde entier. Plus de 46 000 étudiants choisissent Concordia chaque année, ce qui fait en sorte que nous avons globalement près de 200 000 diplômés aux quatre coins de la planète.


Displaying 461 - 480 of 484 articles

The act of spending money to impress others is a signal of resources to potential mates. Having resources is a valued trait by females. (Shamim Nakhai/Unsplash)

What your profile pic says about you in the Tinder age

Dating apps have changed the way people present themselves. Visual cues and short 100 word bios are the new currency of dating.
Studies are showing that loneliness can be deadly, even more so than obesity. (Shutterstock)

Loneliness could kill you

Loneliness shortens our life spans and some studies suggest it’s even more lethal than obesity. We are physiologically and psychologically primed for connection, so don’t shrug off your loneliness.
A nine-year-old boy plays on his damaged street in Mosul, Iraq in this July 2017 photo. U.S.-backed forces have wrested Mosul from the Islamic State, and the terrorist group lost Raqqa, in northern Syria, last month. Nonetheless the Islamic State is using virtual information sessions to keep its members committed to the cause. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

How the Islamic State uses ‘virtual lessons’ to build loyalty

Despite the fact that the Islamic State is on the run, the terrorist group still manages to inspire, motivate and maintain the social identity and cohesion of its members. Here’s how.
Germany has introduced new legislation to try to stop the rise of online hate speech. It’s a phenomenon that’s happening in Canada too and many analysts point to the impact of Donald Trump’s politics. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The Trump effect in Canada: A 600 per cent increase in online hate speech

There has been a 600 per cent increase in online hate speech since Nov. 2015. The solution to stop the tide lies in both anti-hate laws and self-awareness education for audiences.
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther, a professor and preacher, published the 95 Theses, a list of debating points on the Christian religion which sparked the Reformation movement. (Jonathan Schoeps/Shutterstock)

The preacher who changed Europe: Reformation at 500 years

Historical accounts of Martin Luther skew or ignore debates about religion and make him hardly recognizable as a pastor and preacher. But his theology changed Europe.
Trois femmes dans un parc de Montréal. Avec la loi n°62 les Québécoises devront désormais circuler à visage découvert dans les espaces publics. Emmanuel Huybrechts/Flickr

Interdiction du niqab au Québec ou l’exploitation politique du corps des femmes

Le Québec a adopté un projet de loi interdisant le port du voile intégral dans les espaces publics : un « faux débat » selon les défenseurs des droits civils qui sert surtout le discours islamophobe.
Warda Naili poses for a photograph on a city bus in Montreal. Last week, Bill 62 was passed in Quebec, outlawing the wearing of a niqab on public transit. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Quebec’s niqab ban uses women’s bodies to bolster right-wing extremism

Bill 62, a bill passed last week banning the wearing of Niqab in Québec for those seeking access to public services, is widely seen as an attack on Muslim women. Why is it even necessary?
Des manifestants ont brandi un drapeau de l'UE le 20 septembre dernier, contre les fouilles systématiques de la Guardia Civil, quelques jours avant le référendum. Thousands. LLUIS GENE / "AFP

Catalogne : le silence de l’Europe et le spectre de la souveraineté

Comment comprendre le silence observé par l’Europe sur la question catalane depuis plusieurs mois ? Il importe d’analyser les relations entre l’Union européenne, les institutions et les États membres.
Emma Cooper created the show “Rape is Real and Everywhere” with fellow comedian Heather Jordan Ross. Scot McLean

Survivors use humour to challenge rape culture

Rape jokes are among the most controversial that comedians can tell, but a Concordia professor says laughing at the absurdity of a world that silences survivors is also an act of support and solidarity.
The window for staving off the worst of climate change is wider than we thought, but still pretty narrow. Tatiana Grozetskaya/

Keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees: really hard, but not impossible

It’s still possible to hit the more ambitious of the two Paris global warming goals, according to a new estimate of the global carbon budget. But it sure won’t be easy, and we need to start now.
Lors d'une conférence de presse à Trump Tower, le président Donald Trump défend comme de «bonnes personnes» ceux qui ont défilé lors d'un rassemblement de la suprématie blanche à Charlottesville, en Virginie, pendant lequel un contre-manifestant a été tué. Martinez Monsivais/AP

Donald Trump attise-t-il l’extrémisme de droite au Canada ?

Le groupe canadien extrémiste de droite La Meute a récemment organisé un rassemblement à Québec. La rhétorique de Donald Trump attise-t-elle lla haine au Canada voisin ?
In this photo from Sept. 11, 2001, firefighters work in the ruins of the World Trade Center towers in New York City after an al-Qaida terrorist attack. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

9/11 anniversary: Understanding extremist motives could stop further violence

It’s been 16 years since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Understanding what propelled al-Qaida’s attacks could help guard against further violence.
At a news conference at Trump Tower earlier this month, President Donald Trump defends as “fine people” those who marched at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., that left a counter-protester dead. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Is Trump emboldening right-wing extremism in Canada?

The right-wing extremist group La Meute recently held a rally in Québec City that put Canadian racism in the spotlight. Is Donald Trump emboldening hate groups in Canada?
Gifts left behind for the deceased are translated into “tokens” in an online setting. (Shutterstock/Sergio Foto)

Virtual graveyards: Algorithms of death and the cost of immortality

Thinking about Canada 300 years from now, virtual graveyards are invaluable national assets that should be supported, free and regulated in the best interest of the people.
The Globe and Mail’s Unfounded series about how police handle sexual assault allegations is an example of how the media can lead social change. (The Conversation Canada)

Not fake news: Mainstream media can still effect social change

In an age of post-truth, liars and media conglomerates, there are still examples of the press using their power to make social change. We should encourage such work.
A group of youth walked 1600 kilometers to bring attention aboriginal issues in 2013 at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario. They hold up the Cree flag. By Paul McKinnon/

Media portrays Indigenous and Muslim youth as ‘savages’ and ‘barbarians’

Research shows that the Globe and Mail has created a script in which marginalized youth can only be dealt with as failures or criminals, impacting the way they are perceived in society.


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