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University of Warwick

The University of Warwick is one of the UK’s leading universities with an acknowledged reputation for excellence in research and teaching, for innovation, and for links with business and industry. Founded in 1965 with an initial intake of 450 undergraduates, Warwick now has in excess of 22,000 students and is ranked in the top 10 of all UK university league tables.

Warwick is one of the top ten universities targeted by the Times Top 100 Graduate Employers. Warwick is renowned for excellence and innovation within research and in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, was ranked seventh overall in the UK, with 65% of the University’s research rated as 3 (internationally excellent) or 4 (world leading). Warwick’s mission is to become a world leader in research and teaching.


Displaying 681 - 700 of 781 articles

There are seven simple questions parents can ask to manage autism at school. Shutterstock

Autism at school: seven questions for parents

Many children with autism find aspects of everyday life difficult, and school is no exception. School is a complex environment at the best of times, but even more so if you struggle with social situations…
Amazon data centres like these power the internet. Eric Hunsaker

The key to a green internet lies beyond Amazon’s data centres

Environmental group Greenpeace has slammed Amazon for its environmental practices in its latest report on the green credentials of the technology industry. Greenpeace is concerned that Amazon Web services…
Trench warfare was a calculated strategy. USMC Archives

Four things we get wrong about World War I

Most wars are rich in tales of agency and decision. Yet many tales of the Great War are told otherwise. The dominant narrative tells us that we were passive victims of an irrational disaster. Everything…
You want to see what’s in my trolley? What’s in it for me? Alan

The next internet revolution brings data to the market

Every day, our lives are being captured digitally in the data that is generated by our transactions, interactions and movements. And as we become more connected through the internet of things, even more…
Bottoms up. EPA

Going to the pub could solve our drinking problem

Rarely a day passes without another horror story about the UK’s drinking problem: alcohol-related violence, debauchery in city centres, record demand on A&E resources, a liver disease epidemic and…
New Balls please. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Ed Balls budget reply: no car crash but hardly vintage stuff

The political stock of Ed Balls has been on the rise recently. His ratings have improved in recent weeks. As part of Ed Miliband’s effort to have a more civilised discussion at Prime Minister’s Questions…
Deficit forecasts? They went that-away! PA Wire

Budget 2014: Miliband whips up an ‘Eton mess’ attack

Ed Miliband’s response to George Osborne’s Budget statement got off to a good start with a quip about the chancellor’s announcement, flagged in this morning’s press, that a new £1 coin would be introduced…
Green shoots? Dominic Lipinski/PA

Budget 2014: experts respond

Chancellor George Osborne has unveiled his fourth budget. The blueprint for recovery includes wholesale changes to pensions and savings, attempts to boost business investment, new relief for the costs…
The Bank of England’s latest communication strategy has been dubbed “fuzzy guidance” - but how much should central banks reveal? Image sourced from

Forward or fuzzy: just how much should central banks reveal?

The effective death of the forward guidance strategy offered by the Bank of England came with the announcement in early February that there would be a switch to a less quantitative approach. Dubbed by…
Crimean referendum campaign posters in Sevastopol. EPA/Zurab Kurtsikidze

Ukraine crisis: Crimea is to all intents and purposes Russian

The Crimean crisis is sliding from bad to worse, not least for the inhabitants of what until a month ago was an idyllic peninsula waiting for the glory of springtime. As the ultra-right and neo-Nazi thuggery…
Off the screen and in the flesh. EPA/Etienne Laurent

Seeing stars in the flesh and recalling who we wanted to be

When I was an adolescent I used to spend a lot of hours in useless discussions with friends as to who was a star and who wasn’t. John Travolta was, Christopher Reeve wasn’t but Superman was. Esther Williams…
One has to understand to believe either way. J>Ro

Bid to explain climate change risks losing the argument

The report released jointly by the Royal Society in the UK and the US National Academy of Sciences provides a guide to current climate change science for a non-scientific audience. In this respect it is…


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