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Articles on Agriculture

Displaying 1401 - 1420 of 1452 articles

More than just a patch of dirt: the clean energy plan should help us get the most out of our land. bfick/flickr

A Clean Energy Future: what’s in it for the land?

The Australian government’s plan for a Clean Energy Future contains a number of measures aimed at supporting farmers and land managers to provide emissions offsets. The plan consists of a mix of market-based…
Funding for agricultural research and development has to come from somewhere. AAP

A GST on food could save us from shortages

Food security is on the agenda for Australia. I wrote on this recently, pointing out that while we currently grow enough to feed 60m people, we are not immune to food security pressures. Wealthier nations…
Sequencing the potato genome paves the way for breeding out vulnerability to blight, a disease that decimated crops and helped cause the Irish Potato Famine. Flickr/Ben Millett

Scientists sequence potato genome to boost blight fight

Scientists have unlocked the complex genetic code of the potato, paving the way for new techniques to breed a tougher, more disease-resistant tuber. Potatoes are crucial to global food security but are…
Smaller farmers face increasing competition and struggle to break into institutional markets. AAP

These are dark days for smallholder farmers

Agriculture in Australia is at the crossroads. Not only must smallholder farmers contend with the adverse impacts of global climate change, a strong Australian dollar and greater deregulation in the market…
If farmers aren’t exempt, times could get even tougher. Big Grey Mare/Flickr

No carbon tax on petrol, but who’ll bear the brunt?

The recent announcement that a carbon tax would not be levied on petrol for cars or light vehicles used by motorists, tradespeople and small businesses is an interesting political statement. But this statement…
Planting trees on farmland can offset emissions, but does it add up? Fabio Strozzi/flickr

Trees or crops: will carbon farming be the end of agriculture?

Planting trees in cleared agricultural landscapes is one way for the land use sector to help offset emissions of atmospheric carbon dioxide. But will it displace agriculture? Establishing trees is a robust…
It costs extra, but where is the money going? Flickr/EricMagnuson

Fair trade: saving the poor or salving the guilt?

That “fair trade” sticker on a bar of chocolate or bag of coffee beans might make you feel better, but there’s no guarantee it’s helping poor farmers. In fact, it may be making their lives worse. When…

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