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Articles on Conservative Party

Displaying 481 - 500 of 518 articles

Man of style over substance. John Stillwell/PA Wire

Is Boris Johnson a sop to the Tories’ UKIP tendency?

There is a certain section of the Conservative Party – and not necessarily a minority – which has a penchant for self-destruction. This is the same section which takes its leadership cues from Nigel Farage…
Farage: not loony enough to take on 17,000 Conservative majority. Lynne Cameron/PA Wire

Tory victory as Newark proves largely immune to Ukip fever

The result from the most eagerly awaited by-election of this parliament was something of an anti-climax. While parts of the leafy Nottinghamshire seat succumbed to the Ukip fever gripping the nation…
It’s all downhill from here. Bertranfenne

Both Labour and the Tories are pursuing a cynical 15% strategy

The “35% strategy” – the idea that a party could win the 2015 general election on 35% of the vote – entered political discourse last year, generally as a Conservative taunt directed at Labour. The 35…
Government is looking for a new ‘officer class’ to run privatised social services. John Giles / PA.

Creeping privatisation leaves social work fighting for its soul

Social work is at a crossroads. As the next election cycle begins, the country’s social workers are caught between two completely different visions of their profession. One is based on the ideal of a democratic…

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