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Articles on Risk

Displaying 181 - 200 of 237 articles

Do potential downsides get short shrift in the rush for innovation? Steve Marcus/Reuters

Thinking innovatively about the risks of tech innovation

Taking a page from the innovators’ handbook could provide a different and better way to think about the risks that come along with – and sometimes stem from – new technologies.
Voicing concerns isn’t the same as smashing the latest technology. Unknown

If Elon Musk is a Luddite, count me in!

We’ve missed plenty of early warnings about past scientific breakthroughs. Is it neo-Luddite to proceed with caution as an innovator?
Managing the risks of industry-researcher collaboration: Coca-Cola got caught for funding scientists who shifted blame for obesity away from bad diets. from

Australia’s innovation agenda: embracing risk or gambling with public health?

The innovation report fails to mention the risk of bias for researchers collaborating with industry. We must ensure that researchers maintain their independence.
Phil Noble/Reuters

Why do flood defences fail?

We accept the risks of flooding because the costs of making our towns and cities flood-proof are too high.

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