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Eryn Cangi

Research Scientist in Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder

Using a mix of modeling and data analysis techniques, I study Martian atmospheric escape through the lens of H and D fractionation, working with Mike Chaffin and Nick Schneider as part of the MAVEN team. I'm also broadly interested in atmospheric dynamics and evolution of terrestrial planets, planetary climates, surface interactions, remote sensing, and planetary habitability. In the past, I have studied synchronization in astrophysical contexts (planetary rings, etc) using N-body simulations, developed methods of delineating solar and lunar atmospheric tides on Earth, and used astronomical imaging techniques to develop a method to detect global thin cirrus clouds.


  • 2023–present
    Associate research scientist, University of Colorado Boulder
  • 2017–2023
    Graduate research assistat, University of Colorado Boulder


  • 2023 
    University of Colorado Boulder, Ph.D. Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
  • 2019 
    University of Colorado Boulder, M.S. Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
  • 2017 
    University of Oregon, B.S. Physics
  • 2010 
    University of Oregon, B.S. Theatre Arts