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Professor, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Research interests:
Chemical oceanography, marine biogeochemistry, trace elements and isotopes, analytical chemistry, ocean iron fertilisation, atmospheric dust deposition

My research has advanced our understanding of marine trace metal biogeochemistry, particularly by focussing on Southern Ocean and Antarctic sea-ice environments. I adopt an Earth system approach and have a broad my understanding of land–atmosphere– ocean interactions and the coupling of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. My current projects address key research questions on atmospheric dust deposition and solubilities, ocean iron fertilisation, physico-chemical speciation of trace elements and their isotopes, and the role of ocean dynamics on chemical and biological marine processes. I have applied my discoveries to important research outcomes related to climate change, ocean carbon sequestration, marine ecosystems dynamics, and geochemistry.


  • 2001–present
    Senior Research Scientist, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC
  • 2019–present
    Professor, University of Tasmania
  • 2014–2019
    ARC Future Fellow, IMAS, University of Tasmania


  • 1999 
    University of Plymouth (UK), Ph.D., Chemical Oceanography
  • 1994 
    University of Manchster (UK), M.Sc., Analytical Science
  • 1993 
    University of Leeds (UK), B.Sc. (Hons), Chemistry and Mathematics


SCOPUS Young Researcher of the Year 2012 (Physical Sciences); Australian Research Council Future Fellow