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Mari Ellis Dunning

PhD Candidate in Creative Writing, Associate Lecturer, Aberystwyth University

Mari is currently a PhD Candidate at Aberystwyth University, specialising in Early Modern Welsh Witch Trails. She is also a part time teacher for the university's School of Languages and Literature, currently teaching Introduction to Poetry, and a tutor within the School of Lifelong Learning.

Mari's debut poetry collection, Salacia, was shortlisted for Wales Book of the Year 2019. She has since placed second in both the Lucent Dreaming Short Story Competition and the Sylvia Plath Poetry Prize. Her poetry collection Pearl and Bone was selected as Wales Arts Review’s Number 1 of 2022, and is available from Parthian.

Mari lives on the west coast of Wales with her husband, their two sons, and their very adorable poochon. She is the founder of Pay for Poets, a free resource to help writers earn a living through their work.