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Pallavi Banerjee

Associate Professor of Sociology and University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair, University of Calgary

Pallavi Banerjee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and a University of Calgary, Research Excellence Chair. Her research is situated at the intersections of immigration, gender, families, unpaid and paid labour, intersectionality, and transnationalism. She is the author of the award-winning book The Opportunity Trap: High-Skilled Workers, Indian Families and the Failures of Dependent-Visa Policy published in March 2022 by New York University Press. Her other award-winning research has been published in many peer-reviewed journals including the American Behavioral Scientist, Gender & Society, Contexts, Canadian Ethnic Studies, Sociological Forum, Gender, Work and Organization, Women, Gender and Families of Color among others. She is the co-founder, and lead researcher of the Youth and Anti-Racism Integration (YARI) Collective - a critical intersectional, anti-racist collaboration that brings together researchers from the University of Calgary, newcomer youth of colour, community partners from four Calgary-based resettlement agencies, and creative professionals. She directs the Critical Gender, Intersectionality and Migration Research Group at the University of Calgary, and her research is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).


  • 2020–present
    Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Calgary
  • 2015–2020
    Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Calgary
  • 2013–2015
    Postdoctoral research fellow, Vanderbilt University


  • 2012 
    University of Illinois at Chicago, Ph.D. in Sociology