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Rajendra Gupta


My current research interest is in astrophysics, cosmology, and general relativity, especially the dynamics of the universe under evolutionary physical constants beyond the standard model. I have shown that variations of constants are correlated and thus are not possible to observe as they cancel in most observations, e.g., lunar laser ranging, binary pulsar timing, gravitational lensing, and evolution of planetary orbits. I have hypothesized that the observed redshifts of distant galaxies are not only due to the expansion of the Universe but also caused by the photons losing energy due to cosmic drag while traveling over large distances.

I currently teach astrophysics and cosmology to senior undergraduates and graduate students. I enjoy teaching and learning through teaching.


  • 2019–present
    Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa
  • 1995–2018
    Chief Research Scientist, Macronix Research Corporation
  • 1978–1995
    Senior Research Officer, National Research Council of Canada
  • 1983–1993
    Adjunct/Visiting Professor, McGill University
